Terms of Services


These Terms of Use apply to your access to, and use of, all or part of any website or mobile application of Penang Port Commission ("PPC"), an authorized licensee of www.penangport.gov.my and any other site, mobile application or online service or online community where these Terms of Use are posted or incorporated by reference (collectively, the “Sites”). These Terms of Use do not alter in any way the terms or conditions of any other agreement you may have with PPC for products, services or otherwise. If you are using the Sites on behalf of any entity, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to accept these Terms of Use on such entity's behalf, and that such entity agrees to indemnify you and PPC for violations of these Terms of Use. This agreement contains disclaimers and other provisions that limit our liability to you.

While we make reasonable efforts to provide accurate and timely information about PPC, www.penangport.gov.my and its affiliates on the Sites, you should not assume that the information is always up to date or that the Sites contain all the relevant information available about PPC ,www.penangport.gov.my and its affiliates.

Application of this Agreement

This Agreement is a legal agreement between PPC and Members that applies to all services of the Sites. By using the services of the Sites, Members indicate that they have agreed to all sections of this Agreement as well as the Privacy Policy.


  1. "Member" or "Members" indicates an individual or group that has consented to this Agreement and registered as a Member of the Site.

  2. "Site Account" refers to the system that manages Transactions within the Sites.

  3. "Transaction" or "Transaction" refers to the action of submitting records by Members of the Sites.

Membership and Member Registration

Individuals who have given their consent to this Agreement and have completed the prescribed membership application will be granted Membership after completion of the prescribed registration procedures. Member Registration should be carried out by the person applying to be a member him or herself. Registration by a representative will not be recognized. Additionally, persons younger than 13 years of age cannot register to be Members of the Site. Furthermore, those who have previously had their Membership revoked or have been judged unfit for Membership by PPC may be refused.

Entering Member Information

When registering as a Member, please accurately enter all necessary information in the prescribed entry form.

Members should take responsibility for the management of their Username and Password, such as by changing them periodically to prevent them being found out by others. When the entered Username and Password are confirmed by the prescribed method to be the same as those registered, this will be viewed as the Member having logged in, and even if it is actually usage by someone other than the Member due to theft or unauthorized use, PPC will not be held responsible for any resultant damages.

Changing Registered Information

When any of your registered information changes, please update it as soon as possible. PPC will not be held responsible for any damages resulting from out of date information. Also, even when your information has been updated, Transactions processed before the update will be carried out based on the old information. If it becomes necessary to inform Service providers of changes in registered information and their bearing on a Transaction, Members should contact the Service providers directly.

PPC's Liability Limitations

  1. PPC bears no responsibility for system down time, slowing or data losses due to damages to telecommunication lines or computers, damages resulting from unauthorized access to data, or any other damages suffered by Members related to use of this Service.

  2. PPC does not guarantee that e-mail contents sent from PPC’s web page, server or domain are free of harmful viruses.

  3. PPC will from time to time provide information or advice to Members, but PPC takes no responsibility for said information or advice.

  4. PPC will bear no responsibility for any damages resulting from a Member violating this Agreement.

  5. PPC will bear no responsibility for the contents of Events shared by this Site.


Members must not engage in the following acts in connection with the usage of this Site:

  1. Violating the law, this Agreement, warnings from PPC or this Site, or any other agreement.

  2. Violating the rights of or degrading Members or other third parties.

  3. Actions that may negatively affect the physical and mental well being of minors, and other actions that threaten public order and standards of decency.

  4. Distributing or submitting harmful computer programs or e-mails.

  5. Lending or giving a username and password to a third party, or sharing a username and password with a third party.

  6. Unauthorized reproduction, transmission or distribution of all or part of provided information to third parties.

  7. Using the Site for activities related to elections for public office at any time.

Suspension of Use or Revocation of Membership for Specific Members

If any of the following are judged applicable to a specific Member, PPC may without warning suspend service, change the Member's username and password, or revoke the Membership of the applicable Member. PPC will not bear any responsibility for any resultant damages.

  1. Actions that violate the law or this Agreement.

  2. Inappropriate or unauthorized use of the service by a Member.

  3. Issues with security and protection such as multiple incorrect password entries.

  4. Using another Member's username and password

  5. Publishing or broadcasting another Member's content without prior permission.

  6. When otherwise deemed appropriate by PPC.

Suspension, Alteration or Abolishment of the Service

PPC may suspend, alter or abolish part of or the entirety of the Service at their discretion.

Handling of Information

PPC will handle Information pertaining to clients along the guidelines provided in a separate Privacy Policy, and Members that use the Site will have agreed to the terms of the Privacy Policy.

Revisions to this Agreement

PPC may revise this Agreement as it sees fit, and determine additional agreements to supplement this Agreement. Revisions or supplements to this Agreement will be considered active when their content is posted to the prescribed web site by PPC. In such cases Members must adhere to the revised or supplemented agreement.